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Our Vision

Our vision for the future of the company, technological advances in concrete, and the shift of the concrete-housing industry.

Our Vision

When Don entered the construction industry after careers as a microprocessor architect and manufacturing engineer, he was shocked at the lack of technological innovation. After establishing a successful construction business, we now offer a superior new structure and an advanced building process centered around manufacturing a building from concrete at the site. We will lead a new wave that sees concrete displace wood as a more sustainable global building option in a world that is marked by climate change and more frequent, more severe, natural threats.

Don Sollars has three patents on this technology, with multiple additional patents pending. We hold the Class A and Class B contractors license classifications which means that we have the capability and experience to handle your project.

Concrete Shells is also a proud supporter of the National Forest Foundation’s tree planting program. We donate $1.00 for every cubic yard of concrete that we pour into a Concrete Shell. This support enables the NFF to plant trees to offset the carbon footprint for our buildings. As these trees grow, they will help sequester carbon and will make the planet healthier.

Donald Sollars, CEO and Founder, 
                                and Erika Sollars, Vice President.
                                Concrete Shells grew from humble 
                                beginnings, and was previously known
                                as 'Sollars Home'
Donald Sollars, CEO and Founder, and Erika Sollars, Vice President. Concrete Shells grew from humble beginnings, and was previously known as “Sollars Home”

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