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Make the right choice. Choose a concrete home.

Make the right choice. Choose a concrete home.

Whether you are in an office building or personal residence, it is important to feel safe and secure when inside of a structure. What would you do if right this very second, an earthquake hit? A massive fire ignited? A tornado was en route towards you? Would you be worried? What would you do? In most cases, when natural disaster strikes, there is not much you can do. You would need to face the fact that your office building or home could be completely destroyed, and only hope that no human casualties will occur. This makes one wonder- In a country defined by the advancement of technology, why are we not building safer, more secure structures? We live in a world that is marked by climate change and more frequent, more severe, natural threats. Why are we not building homes and commercial properties that are prepared for this? Why are we still relying on ancient building practices to handle these advancing threats?

Check out this video below from CNN to learn more about what concrete homes are capable of withstanding. After Hurricane Michael, only one home was left standing in Mexico Beach, Florida. Can you guess what it was built out of?…

Resistant to Mayhem

In this day and age, some worry about what could happen during times of civil unrest or random mayhem. Good news – your structure is essentially bulletproof. While this is hard to quantify, even military grade bullets would struggle to make it through a 6 inch wall of concrete. If you were to use bulletproof glass and window frames, your home would become nothing short of a fortress. Another great example is if a car lost control and happened to strike your home, your concern would be if the driver was okay!

Choose Sustainability and Longevity

Whether you decide to go with Concrete Shells, or another builder that offers insulating concrete forms, concrete masonry, aerated concrete, tilt-up concrete, or precast concrete, it is truly important to build your home out of concrete! Concrete homes of all types boast lower energy bills, more comfort and safety, plus less repair and maintenance over the increased lifespan of your home.

Did you know?

According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), there are about 475,000 total structures lost to fire every year in the U.S. The NEIC (National Earthquake Information Center) reports that there are approximately 20,000 earthquakes every year (about 50 a day) around the world. Each year in the U.S. 1,200 tornadoes on average kill 60 people, injure 1,500, and cause roughly $400 million in damages, putting long-term average tornado losses on par with hurricanes, according to a new report by Lloyd’s of London.

Concrete Shells will lead a new wave in housing that sees concrete displace wood as a more safe and sustainable global housing option. We truly respect the unyielding power of Mother Nature. Therefore, we have engineered extremely safe buildings that are resistant against the forces of nature. Here are some things to keep in mind when building your next home:

Concrete will begin to break down under extreme conditions, but it technically does not burn or catch fire. In fact, concrete walls are frequently used in multi-family structures to block a fire from spreading into adjacent units.

During an earthquake, the shaking of the ground is not what causes the most human fatalities; it is the associated destruction of man-made structures and the instigation of other natural disasters. If your home was built out of one solid piece of concrete, like a Concrete Shell, it would be extremely more difficult for it to collapse in an earthquake. A 1,500 square foot home cast entirely out of concrete would weigh upwards of 650,000 pounds. There is no tornado in history with wind power high enough to remove this building from its location.

Concrete is a material proven to stand the test of time and we are proud to be a company committed to the safety of our building’s inhabitants and improving the health of our planet through sustainable practices. Concrete Shells has set out to build concrete structures that will make natural disasters far less frightening, and dealing with the aftermath far less costly.

Low Energy Bills

The thermal mass of the concrete decreases the passage of heat moving through the wall. Thus, even with the same insulation, a concrete home will remain warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer than the same wood-frame home.

A Concrete Shell has no joints- this means almost no air leakage! Other types of concrete homes also do not have as many air leaks as a wood frame home. This will give your home an exceptional R-value. REMEMBER: Air leakage accounts for a huge percentage of energy loss in the home! Therefore, a concrete home = Decreased utility bills!

Increased Comfort

All modern concrete home building systems offer increased comfort and quiet space. Homes built from concrete eliminate chilly drafts, create consistent air temperatures, and greatly reduce noises from the garbage truck or neighboring airport, to name a few.

Having less air leaks also means there are less opportunities for outside allergens to enter your home. Say goodbye to stuffy noses.

Less Repair and Maintenance

A concrete wall cannot be dined on by pests like a wood frame home, therefore termites, rodents, or ants cannot eat or reside in these walls. Concrete homes do not support the growth of mold, mildew and other potentially harmful microorganisms.

Concrete homes do not rot like wood and will not deteriorate in the same fashion or speed. Wood requires extensive maintenance to avoid decay. Have you seen the Roman Colosseum? Concrete can look nice for centuries!

Choosing concrete means choosing sustainability, but it also means choosing a healthier, more advanced environment to live in. All concrete homes offer a variety of advantages unseen by a wood frame home. Concrete Shells highly encourages you to look into these advantages further before purchasing a wood frame home. Regardless of the builder, concrete homes pay contribution to a sustainable planet and are a better investment in our ever evolving world.
