Whether you decide to go with Sollars Home, or another builder that offers insulating concrete forms, concrete masonry, aerated concrete, tilt-up concrete, or precast concrete, it is truly important to build your home out of concrete! Concrete homes of all types boast lower energy bills, more comfort and safety, plus less repair and maintenance over the increased lifespan of your home. Read on to learn more about why choosing a concrete home, means choosing sustainability.

Low Energy Bills

  • The thermal mass of the concrete decreases the passage of heat moving through the wall. Thus, even with the same insulation, a concrete home will remain warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer than the same wood-frame home.
  • A Sollars Shell has no joints- this means ZERO air leakage! Other types of concrete homes also do not have as many air leaks as a wood frame home. This will give your home an exceptional R-value.
  • REMEMBER: Air leakage accounts for a huge percentage of energy loss in the home! Therefore, a concrete home = Decreased utility bills!

Increased Comfort and Safety

  • A concrete wall cannot be dined on by pests like a wood frame home, therefore termites, rodents, or ants cannot eat or reside in these walls.
  • Concrete homes do not support the growth of mold, mildew and other potentially harmful microorganisms.
  • Concrete homes do not rot like wood and will not deteriorate in the same fashion or speed.
  • Wood requires extensive maintenance to avoid decay. Have you seen the Roman Colosseum? Concrete can look nice for centuries!

Choosing concrete means choosing sustainability, but it also means choosing a healthier, more advanced environment to live in. All concrete homes offer a variety of advantages unseen by a wood frame home. Sollars Home highly encourages you to look into these advantages further before purchasing a wood frame home. Regardless of the builder, concrete homes pay contribution to a sustainable planet and are a better investment in our ever evolving world.


  • http://www.cement.org/concrete-basics/concrete-homes
  • https://www.concretenetwork.com/concrete-homes/benefits.html
  • http://www.concreteconstruction.net/how-to/construction/concrete-home-building-options_o